Create a beep


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Current version: 1.1.0


Beepbox is the Beeping component that aims to encrypt data within an audio file. This audio file (as explained above) we call it Beep.

Step by Step

Here are the steps you must follow to create your first beep.


For now BeepBox is only compatible with MacOs

The first thing we should do is download the binary:

  • Beepbox for MacOs

  • Unzip the file you just downloaded

  • Execute the following command to see the help section:

$ ./BeepBox

This is the result that we will get:

*  BeepBox App                                             *
*  Apache License 2.0                                      *
*   -- BeepBox v1.1.0 [20200716] --                        *

Usage: BeepBox [--mode value] --key key [--duration value] [--interval value] --output filename



  --mode                value     Beeping Mode (0:audible, 1:hidden, 2:non-audible,
                                  Short name: -m
                                  Optional (default: 2).
  --key                 key       Key identifier (5 characters) to encode in output audio 
                                  (e.g. 01234)
                                  Short name: -k
  --duration            value     Duration of output file in seconds (>=5.1)
                                  Short name: -d
                                  Optional (default: 5.1).
  --interval            value     Interval in seconds (>=2.5) between two audio marks 
                                  (e.g. 10)
                                  Short name: -i
                                  Optional (default: 2.5).
  --output              filename  Filename of output audio file that will be written 
                                  Short name: -o



It is possible that when executing the file the Operating System warn us that its execution is not safe, since it has been downloaded from internet. In this case you have to give permissions to the file so that it can be executed in our OS.

Problem solving


To solve this problem from a Mac you must follow the following steps:

  • Go to "System Preferences"

  • Go to "Security and Privacy"

  • From the "General" tab you can give permissions to BeepBox

Create a beep

To create a beep we must execute the following command:

$ ./BeepBox --key qa020 --output ultrasound.wav

This will generate a file called ultrasound.wav that when executed will contain an ultrasound.

This ultrasound carries the identifier that we have sent to the component through the --key parameter, so in this case the Beep will transpose the qa020 identifier.


The identifier must be a String of 5 characters that can contain any lowercase letter or number. The component itself will not accept another type of format at the moment.

Param mode

This is an optional parameter that by default has the value of 2, which means that the ultrasound is not audible.

There are other possibilities when generating the beep with different values.

You can check these values ​​from the following page

Let's take an example:

$ ./BeepBox --mode 0 --key qa020 --output ultrasound.wav
This will generate a file called ultrasound.wav that when executed will contain an ultrasound audible by the human being.

Param duration

This is an optional parameter that defaults to 5.1 seconds.

We can modify the duration of the beep as follows.

$ ./BeepBox --duration 60.0 --key qa020 --output ultrasound.wav

This will generate a file called ultrasound.wav that when executed will contain a 60 seconds ultrasound.

Param interval

This is an optional parameter that by default has the value of 2.5 seconds.

We can modify the beep mark interval in seconds as follows.

$ ./BeepBox --interval 5.1 --duration 60.0 --key qa020 --output ultrasound.wav
This will generate a file called ultrasound.wav that when executed will contain an 60 seconds ultrasound, which will have a mark per beep every 5.1 seconds.

Here you have a series of links related to BeepBox:


Tim Berners-Lee

The Web as I envisaged it, we have not seen it yet. The future is still so much bigger than the past.

Last update: July 19, 2020