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Below we show you a series of steps to be able to have the same vision when collaborating with the project.


For the correct collaboration between all we must follow some rules to be all on the same page.

  • Open an issue in the corresponding repository about what we want to contribute


Opening an Issue does not only mean opening a task related to a bug, but in that same repository space you can add what that you consider may be positive for the project.


Based on the content of these issues, especially in based on ideas and improvements new ones could be opened projects led by yourselves if so the scientific community considers it.

  • Fork the repository with which we want to work

  • Make a clone of the repository


For the collaboration to make sense the clone must be made from the fork that we are willing to do. This way we can determine the changes made with the contributions of an engineers or a team of engineers.

  • Once the changes have been made, a Pull Request must be sent

  • At that time the project managers will be able to evaluate the changes and publish the improvement, if applicable.


Here is the list of Open Source repositories that you can work on:


Albert Einstein

Try not to become a man of success but rather to become a man of value.

Last update: March 13, 2020